Friday, May 26, 2017


Free Phone Calls: I offer a free 15-minute phone call to each potential party.  Please call (626) 441-1900 to schedule your call.

Free Consultation - Mediation:  This free 30-minute information session provides general mediation information, usually to both parties at the same time. We can meet in person (preferred) or by phone/video. 

Introduction to Mediation:  This session may be scheduled to follow directly after the free consultation; the fee is $100.  This session provides more specific information about mediation as applied to your unique circumstances.   You will receive handouts pertinent to your issues and concerns.

Mediation Fees:  You have a choice of either a per-session fee of $640 for up to three hours of mediation and follow-up, when fees are paid in advance, or an hourly fee of $220 for all mediator time in-session and between sessions.  At each stage of the mediation process, I will keep you informed of next steps and estimated fees.

Number of Sessions Required:  The number of sessions required to reach agreement in a mediated divorce depends upon the complexity of issues involved, the level of conflict, and whether both parties are "agreement-ready."  A reasonable estimate is three to five sessions for most cases.  Complex facts or high conflict situations may still be resolved in mediation, but more sessions may be required.

It seems counter-intuitive, but cases tend to settle faster if the parties have individual sessions with the mediator at the beginning of the process and then later, if needed.  An individual session is $110 for 30 minutes; it may be scheduled to precede or follow a joint session. 

Input from Other Professionals: You may need to gather information from other professionals such as appraisers, pension experts, consulting attorneys, therapists, financial professionals, etc.  Referrals are available.

Written Agreement:  The fee for a comprehensive settlement document is based on the facts and issues involved in your mediation.  This document is much more detailed than the session memos.  A typical divorce settlement is $800; the total fee will depend upon the complexity and unique attributes of your agreement.  Please inquire about fees for settlement memoranda for other types of mediation.

More Information:  Your questions are important.  My website has more information and I am happy to answer questions, so please feel free to call me at 626-441-1900.

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