Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mediating A Parenting Plan

Through mediation, parents of minor children can provide a framework for their future positive interactions regarding their children.  Crafting a parenting plan, and making provisions for modifications of the plan as the children grow and change, is profoundly important.  If good parenting is soon as a paramount value, then providing for the continuity and support of the children is of utmost importance.  For a free consultation, call 626.441.1900

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Listening and Communication

Mediation requires listening.  Many divorce mediation participants find that, through listening intently, they really hear their spouse's concerns, perhaps for the first time.  Deep, compassionate listening, in turn, can pave the way for agreement, and in many cases can yield fruit of the win-win variety, in which fair ad innovative solutions meed the needs of both parties.  Please call Georgia Daniels at 626.441.1900 for more information.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mediation Is An Agreement-Reaching Process

Divorce mediation is an agreement-reaching process, in which the divorcing couple works with a trained neutral mediator, with the goal of reaching a settlement agreement covering all divorce issues:  parenting, property, and support.  Divorce mediation allows the couple to retain control over the terms and emotional tone of their divorce.  It is a client-centered, collaborative, and cooperative approach.  By choosing to retain control of their divorce, couples can maintain respect and dignity, and prepare for successful parenting in the post-divorce era.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Divorce and Personal Growth

How can divorce, which is often seen as a messy, unhappy process, ever offer possibilities for personal growth?  Divorce mediation can offer divorcing couples an array of possibilities for growth in listening, compassion, choice, and responsibility.  All of these can lead to desirable outcomes.  For more information, contact Georgia Daniels at 626.441.19.