Friday, December 5, 2014

Fly These Magic Canoes

                                                 FLY  THESE  MAGIC  CANOES

Brightly colored magical canoes glide effortlessly through dreams of harmony.

In real life, I call mediation "magical" when communication flows freely and perceptions shift.  When two people who have been hurt, angry, defensive, or devious suddenly stop "talking at" each other, and shift into really listening, then amazing things become possible.  Solutions that were previously unimaginable may be imagined and brought into existence.

                                        Try it.  You and your family will be glad you did.

Friday, November 7, 2014


ELDER MEDIATION -  Aging parents and their changing needs can trigger all kinds of conflict among adult siblings.  Mediation is forward-looking:  what does Mom need now?  Next year?

What happens when an adult sibling is sandwiched between care-giving responsibilities:  on one side, to an aging parent, and on the other, to a minor child?

Mediation is uniquely helpful in these situations.  Mediation is different from therapy: elder / adult family mediation is usually time-limited to a few sessions.  Keeping it simple is good.  Call 626.441.1900 for information.

This vista of rooms opening off rooms in a straight line into the distance (the future?) is from Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, a national historic site and world heritage treasure.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Mediation - It's Always One-of-a-Kind

                           Mediation - It's Always One-of-a-Kind

Each family is different.  When contemplating options for a family that is no longer functioning well together, there is no "One-Size-Fits-All" solution.  If you are wondering what your options are, consider mediation.  Mediation is an agreement-reaching process in which a neutral listener, (the mediator) facilitates conversations between people whose recent history has been problematic.

In divorce mediation, the mediator convenes the conversations and makes sure that the topics necessary for a complete divorce agreement are discussed and included in the settlement document.

In marital mediation, the mediator works with both parties, coaching them on ways to listen and communicate more effectively.  Typically, the focus is on one specific issue that requires resolution so that the marriage may continue.

Just as each family is unique, the equipment shown above is unique on this planet, a prototype of an apparatus that explores variations of incredibly small particles.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Little Engine That Did

When I was a child, one of my favorite stories to read to my younger brothers was about the little blue engine that saved the day for his humans, by hard work and repeating to himself, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, ..." until he did!  This summer, in Chamas, New Mexico, we encountered a steam engine that hauled us up and over the continental divide several times within six hours.  It was great fun, even when the beautiful steam plume changed into a cloud of thick black smoke, and then changed back again.

How does this relate to mediation?  Sometimes, the most important ingredient to a successful mediation is simply showing up, with the intention of reaching a fair agreement.  Over hills, and through dales, showing up consistently, with the attitude of "I think we can, I think we can, ..." will transport you to your destination: a fair and reasonable settlement that works well for everyone involved.  Try it.  You may be amazed.  Call 626.441.1900 to schedule a free consultation.