Saturday, September 21, 2013

Cut Through Communication Tangles

Keep lines of communication open -- Mediation cuts through the tangles.

This photo shows a communications hub in a nuclear physics lab at CalTech, where exotic experimental gear depends on solid connections, well mapped out and carefully maintained.  It may look like a tangle, but actually, it gets the job done.

There may be a lesson here for the rest of us -- when communication seems to get all tangled up in discord and bickering, mediation can help.  Your mediator can help you to re-establish connections based on careful listening and attention in the moment.

      Do you remember this?

                Before you speak, THINK:

               T  = Is it true?
               H  = Is it helpful?
                I  = Is it inspiring?
               N = Is it necessary?
               K = Is it kind?

When something has gone unsaid for too long, THINK about it.  Is it really too late to communicate necessary information in a way that is kind, helpful, true, even inspiring?

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Flowers speak out ---

Flowers speak to us on many levels --

Real flowers.  Paper flowers.  Figurative flowers.  It doesn't much matter.  When it comes to maintaining relationships, it is truly the spirit that counts. Strong families tend to share a distinctive feature: many more positive interactions ("Well done" or "Thank you") than negative interactions.   Some say that seventeen to one is the magic ratio:  it takes seventeen positive affirmations to counteract the corrosive effect of one critical remark.  Can you share a "flower" with a loved one right now?

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Mediate, Don't Litigate!

Did You Know …?

Did you know that decisions about your divorce (your children, your support payments, your retirement, or any other part of your divorce) are made by judges and commissioners who are burdened with heavy caseloads due to budget cuts?  Did you know that these judicial officers spend, on average,  a total of only 20 minutes on your case, to hear evidence and make decisions that will affect you for the rest of your life?

There is a solution:  Mediate, Don’t Litigate!

Mediation is typically quicker, more adaptable to your special circumstances, and less expensive than going to court.  Mediation is the best option for the vast majority of divorcing couples.  Your neutral mediator will help both of you to carefully consider your options, to reach an agreement that works for your unique situation.  For more information about the benefits of mediation, visit .  The first consultation is free.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Does this prickly plant remind you of someone you know?

Does this prickly plant remind you of someone you know?  Maybe someone with whom you have unfinished business? Could mediation restore balance to your relationship?

Opening a conversation in mediation is like spilling water onto parched land - amazing things can happen.

For more information about mediation, and how it might help you resolve a prickly situation, visit, or call (626) 441-1900.